Automatic Essay Grading: An Exciting - But Not Yet Perfect - Tool

Thursday, February 28, 2013

AI doctoral student Omoju MillerGuest post by Omoju Miller

In April 2012, the Hewlett Foundation hosted a competition on Kaggle, the predictive modeling competition site, to find the most effective system for automated grading of essays. These systems are based on principles of artificial intelligence, and those of us in the artificial intelligence community are always excited to see useful applications of our work. Our excitement, however, should be tempered by the recognition of some unintended consequences of automated essay grading.

Slides from BEARS Talks

Monday, February 25, 2013

At our annual BEARS Open House Thursday, February 14, several group directors gave brief talks overviewing recent work. In case you missed it, here are slides from the talks.

Demo of System Able to Detect Household Objects in Real Time

Thursday, February 21, 2013

In case you missed it at our open house last Thursday, check out this video of the real-time object detection system demonstrated by Daniel Goehring, a DAAD postdoc in our Audio and Multimedia Group. It's able to quickly detect household objects - and can even identify a can of Pringles! The video is below; here's the abstract:

Pictures from ICSI BEARS Open House

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ICSI held its annual open house on Thursday, February 14 in conjunction with the Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium. Group directors gave overviews of their groups' work, and researchers demonstrated their latest results in network measurement and security, multimedia analysis, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and speech and audio analysis. Below are photos from the event:

BEARS Open House This Thursday

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bernhard Amann will demonstrate the SSL Trust TreeEvery year, we host an open house in conjunction with the Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS). This year, BEARS is on Thursday, February 14. Group directors will be giving overviews of their groups' work, and senior researchers will be on hand throughout to talk about and demonstrate their research. The open house starts at 2 p.m. - we hope you can make it!

The abstracts for all our demos are on the events page, but here are a few previews:

February 2013 Highlights

Friday, February 1, 2013

Visitors from Finland Join Networking Group

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Visitors of ICSI's Finnish Visiting ProgramFour visitors from Finland recently joined our Networking and Security Group: Andrei Gurtov, Dmitriy Kuptsov, Andrey Lukyanenko, and André Schumacher. They are here as part of ICSI's Finnish visiting program, which is funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation through Aalto University and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology.

Vern Paxson - New Director of Networking and Security

Monday, January 28, 2013

Networking and Security Director Vern PaxsonICSI is pleased to announce that, as of January 1, 2013, Professor Vern Paxson is the director of Networking and Security research. Paxson was previously a senior researcher in Networking. He takes the role of director over from Professor Scott Shenker, who directs the recently established Research Initiatives area and serves as chief scientist. Networking and Security research scientists will conduct research on Internet security issues, including investigating the underground economy.

Steven Wegmann - the New Leader of the Speech Group

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Steven WegmannICSI is pleased to announce that, as of January 1, 2013, Steven Wegmann is the new leader of the ICSI Speech Group. Professor Nelson Morgan, the founder and leader of the group for more than 24 years, will be focusing on research activities, passing on the leadership of the team to Steven. After earlier collaboration with Morgan and his team, Steven formally joined the group in 2011. For nearly two decades prior to that, he pursued speech research at companies such as Dragon, VoiceSignal, and Nuance. He received a PhD in mathematics from the University of Warwick, and his early work was in algebraic topology. Steven’s recent research interest is in the analysis of the failings of statistical models commonly used in speech recognition. For more, see the news brief.
