An Abductive Framework for Generalized Logic Programs: Preliminary Report

TitleAn Abductive Framework for Generalized Logic Programs: Preliminary Report
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBrewka, G.
Other Numbers754

We present an abductive semantics for generalized propositional logic programs which defines the meaning of a logic program in terms of its extensions. This approach extends the stable model semantics for normal logic programs in a natural way. The new semantics is equivalent to stable semantics for a logic program P whenever P is normal and has a stable model. The existence of extensions is guaranteed for all normal programs. The semantics can be applied without further modification to generalized logic programs where disjunctions and negation signs may appear in the head of rules. Our approach is based on an idea recently proposed by Konolige for causal reasoning. Instead of maximizing in abduction the set of used hypotheses alone we maximize the union of the used and refuted hypotheses.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-92-049

Abbreviated Authors

G. Brewka

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report