Isoperimetric Functions of Amalgamations of Nilpotent Groups

TitleIsoperimetric Functions of Amalgamations of Nilpotent Groups
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsHidber, C.
Other Numbers1124

We consider amalgamations of finitely generated nilpotent groups of class c. We show that doubles satisfy a polynomial isoperimetric inequality of degree 2cu2. Generalising doubles we introduce non-twisted amalgamations and we show that they satisfy a polynomial isoperimetric inequality as well. We give a sufficient condition for amalgamations along abelian subgroups to be non-twisted and thereby to satisfy a polynomial isoperimetric inequality. We conclude by giving an example of a twisted amalgamation along an abelian subgroup having an exponential isoperimetric function.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-98-001

Abbreviated Authors

C. Hidber

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report