International Computer Science  Institute
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Andreas Stolcke


I am a researcher in speech and language technologies with a long-time association with ICSI, as a graduate student, postdoc, visiting researcher, and External Fellow. I can be reached at

c/o International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600
Berkeley, CA 94704-1198
Fax (510) 666-2956
Email stolcke AT icsi DOT berkeley DOT edu

Areas of Interest

Speech recognition and understanding, Speaker recognition, Language and dialect recognition, Machine translation, Historical linguistics, Software tools for probabilistic modeling

Professional Experience

My LinkedIn profile is here.

Professional Degrees and Honors


Google Scholar citations page (by recency)

Arxiv preprints for recent work

Publications at Amazon Science

Publications at Microsoft Research.

Older publications from my time at SRI.

Even older publications from graduate school days.


(In reverse chronological order)



Past Projects

Some of the projects I worked on at ICSI:

For projects at SRI check here.

Some significant graduate school projects were:


Copyright © 2011-2020 A. Stolcke