A Linear-Time Algorithm for Enumerating Perfect Matchings in Skew Bipartite Graphs

TitleA Linear-Time Algorithm for Enumerating Perfect Matchings in Skew Bipartite Graphs
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsDagum, P.
Other Numbers506

Let G = (U,V,E) be a bipartite graph with |E| = m, U union V = {v(subscript 1),..., v(subscript 2n)} and with the bipartition U consisting of all odd indexed vertices and V consisting of all even indexed vertices. An edge in G is always assumed to be oriented towards the endpoint with the larger index. We refer to the up (resp. down) edges of G as the edges which are oriented from an even (resp. odd) indexed vertex. If all the up edges are nested among themselves and among the down edges we say G is a skew graph. The main result of this paper is to give an O(m) algorithm to enumerate perfect matchings in skew graphs. Applications to outerplanar graphs and some problems in chemistry are given.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-89-007

Abbreviated Authors

P. Dagum

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report