Approximating the Number of Solutions of a GF[2] Polynomial

TitleApproximating the Number of Solutions of a GF[2] Polynomial
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsKarpinski, M., & Luby M.
Other Numbers589

We develop a polynomial time Monte-Carlo algorithm for estimating the number of solutions to a multivariate polynomial over GF[2]. This gives the first efficient method for estimating the number of points on algebraic varieties ove GF[2], which has been recently proven to be #P-complete even for cubic polynomials. There are a variety of applications of our result, which will be discussed in the full version of the paper.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-90-025

Abbreviated Authors

M. Karpinski and M. Luby

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report