Building Many-Core Processor-to-DRAM Networks with Monolithic CMOS Silicon Photonics

TitleBuilding Many-Core Processor-to-DRAM Networks with Monolithic CMOS Silicon Photonics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBatten, C., Joshi A., Orcutt J., Khilo A., Moss B., Holzwarth C., Popović M., Li H., Smith H., Hoyt J., Kärtner F., Ram R., Stojanovic V., & Asanović K.
Published inIEEE Micro
Other Numbers2649
Bibliographic Notes

IEEE Micro, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 8-21

Abbreviated Authors

C. Batten, A. Joshi, J. Orcutt, A. Khilo, B. Moss, C. Holzwarth, M. Popovi?, Hanqing Li, Henry Smith, J. Hoyt, F. Kärtner, R. Ram, V. Stojanovi?, and K. Asanovi?

ICSI Research Group


ICSI Publication Type

Article in journal or magazine