Ein kombinierter analytischer und suchbasierter Ansatz zur induktiven Synthese funktionaler Programme

TitleEin kombinierter analytischer und suchbasierter Ansatz zur induktiven Synthese funktionaler Programme
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsKitzelmann, E.
Other Numbers3904

Inductive program synthesis addresses theproblem of automatically generating (declarative) re-cursive programs from ambiguous specications suchas input/output examples. Potential applications rangefrom software development to intelligent agents thatlearn in recursive domains. Current systems suffer fromeither strong restrictions regarding the form of inducibleprograms or from blind search in vast program spaces.The main contribution of my dissertation [4] is the algorithm Igor2 for the induction of functional programs.It is based on search in program spaces but derives candidate programs directly from examples, rather thanusing them as test cases, and thereby prunes many programs. Experiments show promising results.


This work was partially funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Diesnst (DAAD) through a postdoctoral fellowship.

Bibliographic Notes

In Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen

Abbreviated Authors

E. Kitzelmann

ICSI Publication Type

PhD thesis