Publication Details

Title: STEM+: Allocating Bandwidth Fairly To Tasks
Author: A. Lukyanenko, I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, A. Ghodsi, and S. Shenker
Bibliographic Information: ICSI Technical Report TR-14-001
Date: April 2014
Research Area: Networking and Security
Type: Technical Reports

Fair sharing of bandwidth among tenants in datacenters is important to guarantee prompt execution while providing isolation between different jobs. Existing bandwidth allocation methods lack a concept of a task reflecting the dependency between allocations on links. Moreover, existing approaches do not consider the tenants to be smart individuals and lack understanding of a threat that strategic players can produce. In this work we introduce a Strategy-proof Task-Enforcement Mechanism (STEM) which is the only strategy-proof mechanism for datacenter allocation. It seamlessly utilizes task-aware models. While tenants are able to improve their allocations by relocating demands among links, it also improves the global allocation resulting into a strong Nash equilibrium among tenants. This is in contrast to pricing or Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes (CEEI) which permits tenants to inflate their demands and in some cases loosing sharing-incentives. We extend STEM with STEM+ -a work-conserving allocation mechanism.

This research is supported by TEKES as a part of the Future Networks, Society and Modeling - FuNeSoMo program.

Bibliographic Reference:
A. Lukyanenko, I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, A. Ghodsi, and S. Shenker. STEM+: Allocating Bandwidth Fairly To Tasks. ICSI Technical Report TR-14-001, April 2014