
ICSI is founded on the proposition the most challenging problems in computer science require international collaboration. To that end, we welcome visitors from across the globe and at all stages of their careers.

DAAD International IFI Postdoctoral Fellows Program Now Accepting Applications!

The DAAD International Postdoctoral Fellows Program at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) has been extended for another five years! Through the ICSI-DAAD International program, German postdocs can apply to conduct research at ICSI in Berkeley, CA, in artificial intelligence (AI), computer science, and related fields. Fellowship visits will be funded beginning September 2024.

For ICSI-DAAD International Postdoc fellows applicants: If you are interested in applying for the visiting fellows program, please first contact ICSI at and then apply for the program using the links provided below.

  • Details about the program renewal are provided on the official DAAD International IFI Fellows Program website here (in German). Learn more and apply for the DAAD postdoctoral fellows program at ICSI here.
  • Visiting postdoctoral fellows may work collaboratively on projects of shared interest with ICSI Principal Investigators and affiliated Professors of the University of California at Berkeley, as well as potentially with researchers from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). For a list of postdoc mentors, please visit the ICSI website (in English) here
  • For information on obtaining visas and finding housing in Berkeley, CA, visit the ICSI Visiting International Postdoctoral Fellows webpage (in English) here.

For ICSI DAAD IFI graduate student fellows applicants, please contact ICSI at, check out the list of mentors here, and apply for the DAAD graduate student fellows program here.

For prospective postdoc mentors: If you are a professor or research scientist at ICSI, UC Berkeley, or LBNL and are interested in working with one of our international postdocs (from Germany and elsewhere), please contact us at! Postdoc stipends are sponsored by our international partners.